
Circular Economy – Closing the Loop

Climate change, population growth, unsustainable lifestyles – surmounting global challenges like these require embracing Circular Economy as a guiding light. At Covestro, our goal is to embed circular economic principles into the fabric of our operations and be a trailblazer for the entire plastics industry.


Society and economics must find new ways of putting our world's limited resources to good use and make the circle our new guiding principle: Viewing used products as a resource, recovering everything we can from them to recycle along the value chain. It also means exploring alternative sources of sustainable raw materials, such as biomass. Overall, it is important for companies to design cycles efficiently and by using renewable energy, enabling a true Circular Economy.



Markus Steilemann博士、Covestro CEO


Covestroは、循環型経済の推進を社としてのビジョン に掲げて注力し、お客様や消費者の利益に応えることを望んでいます。政治、科学、経済分野における課題解決に向けた方策提案に尽力しています。また、職場環境の向上に努めています。当社は2019年に大きな目標達成に向けた戦略的プログラムを設定し、あらゆる事業分野を循環型とすることを目指しています。これは、具体的かつ測定可能な目標に裏打ちされた統合的アプローチです。




Meet the Innovators

We have changes and challenges ahead of us – we, that means, we as a manufacturing company, we as the entire chemical industry, and we as a whole society. Fortunately, we also have chances: In fields like Alternative Raw Materials, Joint Solutions, Recycling or Renewable Energy we can create a more sustainable economy with innovations!


    Innovators for alternative raw materials

    Plastics are still a material mainly produced from oil – meet some of the people who want to change that by replacing oil with alternative carbon sources. Learn more!


    Innovators for renewable energy

    Making global energy supply more sustainable – let’s take a renewed look at the chances and challenges together with some of the leading experts! 


    Innovators for recycling

    What if worn-out plastic products are not waste but a valuable resource? We meet people who are implementing new approaches to recycling. Get to know them now!


    Innovators for joint solutions

    How can partnerships change an industry? Get to know people who are looking for new ways of team-work – or simply a more sustainable truck tarp provider! Learn more!


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