
Fact Orientation: Using Facts to Gain Perspective and Find Solutions

Problems like climate change, species extinction, economic crises, and increasing geopolitical tensions and wars are now a part of our lives. No wonder that doubt, insecurity, and loss of trust are growing among people. This creates a breeding ground for more disinformation and conspiracy theories. Right now, we urgently need more fact-based, solution-oriented thinking and action.

The flood of data and opinions, along with the complexity of issues and problems we face as our world undergoes rapid, comprehensive digital change, causes uncertainty for many people. Moreover, social media tends to reproduce the same opinions repeatedly. The fatal consequence is that selective, one-sided information can narrow our worldviews, promoting a tendency to seek seemingly simple solutions and populistic slogans. Consequently, society becomes ever more polarized, and consensus-based dialogue becomes rarer.

A Fact-Based Approach Fosters Better Dialogue

In our era of fake news, facts face tough times. False assertions, half-truths, and conspiracy theories hamper solution-oriented discourse. However, what we need is respect for the facts, bias-free thinking, objective dialogue, and a commitment to collaboration. Verifiable facts are the only way to reach the right conclusions. Without logical conclusions and an empirical approach, there is no science – the basis for urgently needed innovations.

The economy and many companies like Covestro take such an approach. As influential sociopolitical players, they work against social disorientation and the rejection of facts. They live up to their social responsibility and make clear that speculation, rumors, and false assumptions are not the way forward.

“We must all work to rebuild a culture of trust and clearly state who we trust most: scientists, journalists, bloggers, associations, think tanks, start-ups, companies, and many others. Let's jointly demonstrate that only a fact-based worldview, in conjunction with critical optimism, can help us move forward.”

Stefan Paul Mechnig

Global Head of Thought Leadership, Covestro

The Chemical Industry Focuses on Innovation

The chemical and plastics industry has always been a driver of innovation and is shaping the transformation to a better future. It contributes to this with constructive solutions based on scientific discoveries. This shows that focusing on facts and cooperation will deliver the innovations we need to meet the challenges of our time.

As a science-based, open company, Covestro aims to foster a commitment to constructive, rational dialogue. Since its founding in 2015, Covestro has shown how a fact-based and solution-oriented approach can lead to innovative products and positive changes. The materials manufacturer makes the world more livable with high-quality plastics, supporting a more sustainable future founded on climate neutrality and a circular economy.

In the future, Covestro aims to join with other like-minded companies to raise its voice more often in sociopolitical discussions. Covestro promotes fact-based discussions on every level, including associations, partnerships, and cooperations. Covestro demonstrates that positive change is achievable and beneficial for all. Hopefully, in this way, we can regain trust.

For a clearer focus on facts: Covestro is taking a stand

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  • Company

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  • Global Trends

    Global Trends

    Mankind is faced with great challenges. Despite their differences, they mostly have one thing in common: The need for innovative and sustainable materials. Covestro is on the case: We are tackling numerous global trends and developing solutions for a world worth living in.

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